How to choose the best CMS? A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Perfect CMS for Your Needs.

How to choose the best CMS? A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Perfect CMS for Your Needs.



Piotr Ciszewski



The digital landscape today is more dynamic than ever, and having a compelling online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. This has led to an increased demand for robust content management systems (CMS). But with a plethora of options available, which CMS should you choose? This comprehensive guide will delve deep into the world of CMSs, giving you a clearer perspective on your choices.

What is a CMS?

At its core, a Content Management System (CMS) serves as the backbone of a website, enabling users to design, create, manage, and modify content without needing an in-depth understanding of coding. Think of it as a bridge between intricate web programming and the user-friendly interface you interact with.

For individuals or businesses with minimal technical expertise, a CMS is invaluable. It empowers them to:

  • - Update website content and draft blog posts;
  • - Integrate e-commerce functionalities for product and service sales;
  • - Display multimedia content, including images and videos;
  • - Modify operational hours and other dynamic information;
  • - Announce company updates, industry news, and more;
  • - Share and manage documents within Intranet systems (internal private networks);
  • - Update portfolios;
  • - Manage booking systems, event listings, tickets sales and event related communication;
  • - Manage Wikis and other knowledge sites;
  • - Perform countless other website and non-website-related tasks.

Criteria for Selecting the Right CMS

As you embark on the journey of selecting a CMS, consider the following criteria:

  1. 1. Business Needs & Objectives: Understand what you want your website to achieve. Are you looking to sell products, provide information, or perhaps both? Analyzing your goals will help you align them with the features of potential CMS platforms.
  2. 2. Usability & Interface: Determine the frequency of website updates. If your site requires regular content changes, you'll benefit from a user-friendly CMS with multi-user capabilities.
  3. 3. Types & Costs of CMS:
    • - Open Source: These CMS platforms are freely available and maintained by a community of developers. Examples include TYPO3, WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal. The advantage lies in the sheer number of developers and users contributing to its growth. No licensing fees are associated, but costs may arise from premium themes or plugins.
    • - Dedicated/Proprietary: These are custom-built CMS platforms tailored for specific businesses. While offering greater personalization, they tend to be more expensive and can pose potential challenges, especially if the original developer discontinues support.
  4. 4. Security & Continuous Development: In our digital age, security is paramount. Opt for a CMS that's regularly updated to patch vulnerabilities and bolster site protection.
  5. 5. Maintenance & Support: Decide if you want in-house management or if you'll need external support. Certain CMSs have vast communities or dedicated service providers available for assistance.
  6. 6. Design Flexibility: Your website's design speaks volumes about your brand. Ensure the CMS allows for design flexibility, whether through templates or custom design.
  7. 7. SEO Capabilities: In today's competitive market, SEO is essential. Check if the CMS supports SEO-friendly plugins, URL customization, robots.txt file editing, and other essential SEO features.
  8. 8. The Cost: it encompasses both initial setup expenses and ongoing maintenance fees, which can vary widely based on the platform and specific requirements.

Diving Deeper into Popular CMS Options


Evolving from its humble beginnings as a blogging platform in 2003, WordPress has blossomed into the world's most dominant CMS, capturing a significant portion of the global website market. One of the strengths that sets WordPress apart is its extensive repository of plugins and themes, which allows users—whether they are novices just starting their digital journey or experts fine-tuning their online empires—to customize and optimize their sites to an impressive degree. Its open-source nature has nurtured a vast and active community that constantly develops new tools, ensuring that WordPress remains at the cutting edge of web design. However, with immense popularity comes increased vulnerability. WordPress, due to its widespread use, often becomes a prime target for cyberattacks. This underlines the importance for users to keep their installations regularly updated and maintain a proactive and vigilant approach to security, fortified by best practices and trusted security plugins.

Advantages of Wordpress

  • - Simplicity and Intuitiveness
    For those who prioritize a user-friendly interface and straightforward setup, especially beginners.
  • - Blogging and Content Creation
    Given WordPress's origins as a blogging platform, it remains an ideal choice for content-centric websites and personal blogs.
  • - Quick Deployment
    For projects that need to be launched rapidly without extensive customizations.
  • - Budget-Friendly
    Especially suitable for startups or small businesses looking for cost-effective CMS solutions without the need for specialized hosting or extensive custom modules.
  • - Less Technical Expertise
    Ideal for those without deep coding knowledge or those who don’t wish to hire experts for basic website setups.
  • - Mid-Level Complexity
    If you want a balance between ease of use and the capability to extend functionality, but don't need the advanced complexities of systems like Drupal or TYPO3.
  • - Extensive Themes and Plugins
    For those looking for easy customization with a vast repository of available themes and plugins.
  • - Community Support
    Given its popularity, WordPress boasts a large community that offers tutorials, forums, and resources, ideal for those who might need community assistance.

Disadvantages of WordPress

  • - Complex Customization Needs
    If your project demands advanced customization or complex workflows, the inherent simplicity of WordPress might turn restrictive. Platforms like Drupal or TYPO3 are more equipped to handle intricate websites with specialized functionalities.
  • - High Security Demands
    While WordPress has substantial security tools, its immense popularity makes it a common target for cyberattacks. If your website is set to manage sensitive data or demands top-tier security, considering other CMS platforms with a strong emphasis on cybersecurity might be prudent.
  • - Steep Scalability Requirements
    For large-scale enterprises or projects that anticipate rapid growth, the scalability of platforms like TYPO3, known for its modularity and scalability, might be more appropriate.
  • - Advanced User Collaboration
    If your project requires sophisticated multi-user collaboration capabilities, while WordPress does offer multi-user support, platforms like TYPO3 have built robust role and access management tools explicitly designed for extensive collaborative efforts.
  • - In-Depth Technical Control
    For those who have a sound technical background and are looking for a CMS that allows a deep dive into the code, Drupal's robustness and flexibility might be more appealing than WordPress.
  • - Not Just a Blog or Simple Website
    If your intent goes beyond blogging or creating a basic website, it's essential to weigh WordPress against other platforms tailored for more specialized needs, like Joomla! for a mix of blogging and e-commerce.
  • - Extensive Enterprise Features
    For large organizations or projects that require a CMS with comprehensive enterprise features, TYPO3's enterprise-focused offerings might align better with the project's demands.

When to Choose WordPress

Ideal for small to medium-sized websites, WordPress is lauded for its user-friendly interface. For blogs, that should be the first choice. However, for larger, more intricate sites, scalability can become a concern.


Joomla!, residing in the intricate spectrum between WordPress's user-friendliness and Drupal's advanced complexity, has carved a niche for itself in the world of CMS. Distinguished by its robust extensibility, Joomla! provides an impressive array of features and extensions, allowing for a diverse range of web projects, from personal blogs to intricate e-commerce platforms. Yet, this versatility is paired with a somewhat steeper learning curve. While WordPress often appeals to beginners due to its straightforward interface, Joomla! tends to demand a deeper foundational understanding of coding and web structures. This makes it particularly favored by those who possess a bit more technical know-how or are willing to invest the time to grasp its intricacies. However, once mastered, Joomla! offers a powerful toolset for creating rich, dynamic websites tailored to specific needs and preferences.

Advantages of Joomla

  • - Intermediate Complexity
    Ideal for users seeking a CMS that bridges the gap between the simplicity of WordPress and the advanced technicality of Drupal.
  • - Versatility
    Suitable for a variety of website types, from blogging platforms to e-commerce sites.
  • - Foundational Coding Knowledge
    For those who have a basic understanding of coding and are willing to delve a bit deeper for customizations and scalability.
  • - Balance of Ease and Extensibility
    If you want both user-friendliness and the capability for further extensibility without diving into high-end technical configurations.
  • - Built-in Features
    Unlike WordPress, where many functionalities require plugins, Joomla! offers numerous built-in features, making it a good fit for those who want a more out-of-the-box solution.
  • - Community and Extensions
    For users who value a robust community and a wide array of extensions to further enhance their site's functionality.
  • - Enhanced User Management
    Suitable for websites that require detailed user permission levels and user management functionalities.

Disadvantages of Joomla

  • - Beginner-Friendly Experience
    Joomla! sits between the simplicity of WordPress and the complexity of Drupal. For those new to web development or looking for an intuitive, easy-to-navigate CMS, WordPress might be a better choice due to its user-friendly interface.
  • - High-End Technical Projects
    If your site requires advanced technical configurations, sophisticated workflows, or extensive custom modules, Drupal's robustness and depth might be a more suitable fit than Joomla!
  • - Specific Enterprise Needs
    For large-scale enterprise projects or those that require intricate scalability and modularity features, TYPO3, known for its enterprise-focused capabilities, might be a more fitting option.
  • - Standard Blogging
    While Joomla! can manage blogs, if you're exclusively focused on blogging, WordPress, with its origins as a blogging platform, might offer a more streamlined experience.
  • - Common Cybersecurity Threats
    Every popular CMS is a target for cyberattacks, but if cybersecurity is a top priority, it may be worth considering platforms like TYPO3 which emphasizes continuous updates to stay ahead in the cybersecurity race.
  • - Deep Multi-user Collaboration
    For projects that emphasize multi-user collaboration with intricate roles and permissions, TYPO3's robust multi-user collaboration tools might be more appropriate.
  • - Minimal Learning Curve
    Joomla! does require a foundational understanding of coding, especially as you scale or customize. Those with minimal technical expertise and looking for a quicker start might find WordPress more accommodating.

When to Choose Joomla?

Joomla! is best suited for medium to large websites where the editorial team possesses basic coding knowledge.


Drupal stands as a titan in the realm of CMS platforms, renowned for its unparalleled robustness and capability to craft intricate, high-performing websites. Rooted deeply in modern and cutting-edge technologies, Drupal's architecture offers an expansive playground for developers and web professionals. The platform's versatility permits extensive customization, allowing businesses and individuals to mold their digital presence to precise specifications. However, this vast potential isn't without its complexities. Unlike some other CMS options that prioritize user-friendliness for beginners, Drupal leans more towards those with a solid grounding in web development. Its optimization and the true unlocking of its capabilities often necessitate a higher degree of technical expertise. In essence, while Drupal might present a steeper initial ascent, the view from its heights, in terms of web capabilities and performance, is truly unparalleled for those equipped to harness it.

Advantages of Drupal

  • - Advanced Customization
    Ideal for projects that demand a high degree of personalization and tailored functionality.
  • - Technical Expertise
    Best leveraged by users or teams with a solid technical background, or those willing to invest in technical support.
  • - Large-scale Projects
    Suited for complex, extensive websites or web applications that require robust architecture.
  • - Complex User Management
    For sites that need intricate user roles, permissions, and workflows, Drupal's comprehensive user management is a strong fit.
  • - High Security Standards
    Especially relevant for larger organizations or projects, Drupal has a reputation for robust security protocols and features.
  • - Scalability
    Suitable for projects with potential to grow and scale, as Drupal can handle rising amounts of content and users with ease.
  • - Community and Modules
    For users who value a strong community and an expansive ecosystem of modules to extend functionality.
  • - Content-heavy Sites
    Drupal's taxonomy system and content management capabilities make it ideal for sites with a vast amount of content.
  • - Multilingual Websites
    Drupal’s core offers built-in multilingual features, making it an excellent choice for websites that need multiple language versions.

Disadvantages of Drupal

  • - Beginner-Friendly Experience
    Drupal is known for its robustness and extensive customization options. However, this can come at the cost of a steeper learning curve. Those seeking an easy and intuitive start might lean towards platforms like WordPress, which is particularly user-friendly for beginners.
  • - Simplified Content Publishing
    If your main objective is blogging or straightforward content publication without extensive customization, WordPress, which was originally designed as a blogging platform, could be a more streamlined choice.
  • - Mid-Level Complexity
    If you're looking for a CMS that offers a balance between ease-of-use and extensibility, Joomla! might be more apt. It caters to both blogging platforms and e-commerce sites but avoids the deep complexity that Drupal often presents.
  • - Enterprise-Level Scalability and Modularity
    For projects that necessitate high levels of scalability and modularity, especially for enterprise-level applications, TYPO3, renowned for these features, could be a better fit.
  • - Minimal Technical Expertise
    Drupal often demands a good degree of technical knowledge for optimization and to harness its full potential. Those without such expertise or the resources to hire experts might be better off considering a more straightforward CMS.
  • - Frequent and Quick Updates
    While Drupal is sturdy and built on cutting-edge technologies, platforms like TYPO3 emphasize continuous updates to remain ahead in the cybersecurity race. If rapid, frequent updates are a top priority, this might be a consideration.
  • - Smaller Projects
    Drupal is often favored for advanced websites and larger projects. For smaller sites or businesses just wanting a digital presence without the need for extensive features, a lighter, simpler CMS might be more appropriate.

When to Choose Drupal?

Select Drupal if you're aiming for a large-scale website and have access to technical expertise. Its flexibility is its strength, but it's not the most user-friendly for beginners.


TYPO3, recognized as a premier enterprise-centric CMS, distinguishes itself through unmatched versatility, scalability, and modular design. Designed to accommodate a broad range of projects, TYPO3 efficiently powers both compact small business websites and expansive digital portals of industry leaders like Philips and Lufthansa. Central to its architecture is a commitment to rapid performance, bolstered by innovative caching mechanisms and streamlined content delivery. In a digital landscape plagued by threats, TYPO3 places a strong emphasis on security. Its proactive updates and built-in safeguards place it at the forefront of the cybersecurity domain. Another hallmark of TYPO3 is its facilitation of multi-user collaboration, offering robust role and access management tools. This ensures teams can work in tandem without compromising on data integrity. Furthermore, despite its rich functionalities, TYPO3 boasts a user-centric design. This ensures that editors, regardless of their technical prowess, can maneuver through its interface with ease, making content management a hassle-free endeavor.

Advantages of TYPO3

  • - Enterprise-level Projects
    TYPO3 is particularly tailored for enterprise-focused tasks, offering robust features that cater to larger organizations and extensive web applications.
  • - Scalability and Modularity
    If you foresee rapid growth or require the ability to frequently modify and expand upon your site's functionalities, TYPO3 offers unparalleled scalability and modularity.
  • - Multi-user Collaboration
    For websites or projects that emphasize extensive team collaboration, TYPO3's robust multi-user tools, roles, and permissions are incredibly effective.
  • - Security Emphasis
    Continuous updates make TYPO3 a stalwart in the cybersecurity realm, providing assurance for sites that prioritize security.
  • - Versatility
    Whether it's a small business site or an expansive portal like those of major corporations, TYPO3 is versatile enough to handle varying degrees of complexity.
  • - High Customizability
    If you're looking for a platform where you can deeply tailor and personalize features to your specific needs, TYPO3's extensibility is a prime choice.
  • - Extended Support & Community
    TYPO3 boasts an active community and a wealth of extensions and plugins, ensuring support for diverse functionalities and continuous improvement.
  • - Internationalization
    If your project requires multiple site versions, languages, or country-specific variations, TYPO3's multi-site and multilingual capabilities are ideal.
  • - Advanced Editorial Features
    For organizations that emphasize content creation, editing, and publishing, TYPO3 provides a user-friendly interface combined with advanced editorial tools.

Disadvantages of TYPO3

  • - Simplicity and Beginner-Friendliness for simple websites
    If you're looking for an easily accessible and beginner-friendly platform, especially for straightforward content creation and blogging, WordPress remains a top choice due to its initial design as a blogging platform.
  • - Intermediate Complexity
    For those who desire a CMS that strikes a balance between user-friendliness and capability, Joomla! might be more fitting. It caters to a range of needs, from simple blogging to e-commerce, without delving into the more complex territories that TYPO3 addresses.
  • - Tighter Budgets
    TYPO3, being enterprise-focused, could come with associated costs in terms of specialized hosting, extensions, or developer expertise. For startups or small businesses on tighter budgets, simpler platforms might offer more cost-effective solutions.
  • - Short Learning Curve
    While TYPO3 boasts a user-friendly interface for editors, the back-end configuration and full exploitation of its features might demand a more extended learning phase. For those aiming to get up and running swiftly without a learning journey, other CMS platforms might be more accommodating. The best alternative is to let experts, like FNX Group, customize CMS for you.
  • - Less Emphasis on Enterprise-level Features
    If scalability, modularity, security, and multi-user collaboration—hallmarks of enterprise solutions—are not pressing needs, then there may be no need to harness the power of TYPO3. Smaller projects without these requirements might find other platforms to be more straightforward.
  • - Rapid Deployment
    For projects that need to be quickly deployed without extensive customization or scaling features, a lighter CMS might be preferable.

When to Choose TYPO3?

For those prioritizing speed, security, and scalability, TYPO3 is a top contender. Large enterprises or businesses with vast editorial teams will find it particularly beneficial. Its suite of tools, coupled with a proactive approach to updates, makes it a powerful choice. If you need a rapid deployment for a smaller websites, you may consider a lighter CMS.

Core Web Vitals Technology Report

The Core Web Vitals Technology Report is a dashboard combining the powers of real-user experiences in the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) dataset with web technology detections available in HTTP Archive, to allow analysis of the way websites are both built and experienced.

In a nutshel, these are the metrics used by Google to measure the quality of user experience on websites, focusing on loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability.

With the available data, we can now make an informed decision regarding pagespeed or technical UX before selecting or migrating to a different platform. For instance, among the chosen CMS platforms, TYPO3 excels in Core Web Vitals compared to other options like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Adobe Experience Manager, Contentful, Sitecore, Sanity or Storyblok.

Comparing the Big Four: WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, and TYPO3


  1. 1. Simplicity & User-Friendliness - How easy it is for beginners and non-tech users.
  2. 2. Scalability - The ability to handle growth and increased demands.
  3. 3. Security - Resistance to cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities.
  4. 4. Versatility - How well the CMS caters to different types of websites and needs.
  5. 5. Customizability - The freedom to change and customize aspects of the CMS.
  6. 6. Performance - Speed and responsiveness of sites built with the CMS.
  7. 7. Community & Support - Availability of help, tutorials, and community support.
  8. 8. Extensions & Plugins Availability - Availability of plugins/extensions to enhance functionality.
  9. 9. Multi-language Support - Support for multiple languages on the website.
  10. 10. Price (Cost) - Affordability, considering both the platform's inherent cost and potential associated costs.

We've provided a comprehensive summary for your convenience. However, each factor's importance can vary based on individual needs. It's crucial to conduct a personalized analysis, assigning weight to each feature to ensure the best fit for your requirements. In our overview, every feature holds equal significance.

In Conclusion

Selecting a CMS is akin to making a long-term investment. While initial costs are a factor, consider the potential for growth, adaptability, and the kind of support available. Sometimes, investing a bit more upfront can lead to exponential benefits down the road.

Remember, your website is a reflection of your brand, and the CMS you choose will play a pivotal role in shaping that image. So, research thoroughly, evaluate your needs, and make an informed decision. Whether you lean towards the vast community of WordPress, the intricate depths of Drupal, the balanced capabilities of Joomla!, or the enterprise-level robustness of TYPO3, ensure it aligns with your business goals.

At FNX Group, we are seasoned experts in the TYPO3 CMS, boasting an extensive track record of successful implementations. Our team is adept at setting up, explaining, and assisting with all intricacies related to TYPO3. Whether you're looking to migrate, optimize, or start fresh, FNX Group is the trusted partner you need to ensure your TYPO3 project thrives. We bring both technical proficiency and a deep understanding of this powerful CMS to cater to your specific requirements.